Transform The Way You Lead At Home.

 Most fathers have never been taught how to be one. Change that today with our 3-part system.




Many dads today are left shooting from the hip on this parenting thing...

Most men become fathers without ever learning how to be one. This masterclass gives you the blueprint to become the father your family needs — the one God’s called you to be.

Join Jeremy Pryor and Jefferson Bethke as they lead you through a proven 3-part system that will give you tactical, practical, and immediately actionable ways to be a better dad, starting today.



Your family needs a strong and godly leader.


This masterclass is for fathers (and mothers and wives too!) of all ages, answering your deepest questions about parenting and giving you the framework to transform the way you lead in your home. 

The scriptures reveal God’s plan for fatherhood and offer a model for becoming the godly leader your family needs.

By concentrating on the three fundamental skills of fatherhood: training your children, coaching a family team on a mission, and living multi-generationally, this masterclass gives you the building blocks to love and lead your family and see it flourish.

From our family to yours.

God has used this tool to transform our family and the life we enjoy together — and he can do the same for you.

Everything we’ve learned throughout 17 years is included, as well as insights from working with over a hundred other families in every imaginable season of life, and how they’ve learned to use the seven-day cycle for greater peace and productivity in their homes.


What’s in the Course

3 Modules. 20 Videos.

As a video-focused course, this is training you can take with you wherever you go. Watch and work through sessions anywhere with an internet connection, getting core instruction from Jeff and Jeremy as well as bonus videos featuring interviews with other families who have transformed their lives and homes with the Skill of Fatherhood framework.


Along with the course’s video content, you’ll receive the Skill of Fatherhood workbook. This digital companion comes complete with questions and exercises to build on video lessons and take you deeper on your journey to godly fatherhood.


Your family’s future starts today.

You’ve heard God’s call. You want to step up to the plate. The Skill of Fatherhood masterclass is your next step toward becoming the godly leader your family needs.

God’s got a big and great design for family teams on a mission, and as the leader of your home, it starts with you.

Start today — and change the course of your family forever!


Level up Your Fatherhood Leadership


Join the Skill of Fatherhood masterclass


Learn the 3 part system through videos, workbook and other parents testimonials.


Become the strong leader your family needs


See what other fathers are saying



Skill of Fatherhood is so good! This is exactly what I need.

I love how Jeff and Jeremy show what a biblical father and leader of the family looks like. This really caused me to examine how I define family and my role as a father.

Joey Markoya / Kihei, HI

The Skill Of Fatherhood Masterclass is a must have!

Each module helped me find practical ways to address common concerns, overcome adversity and thrive as a team. Where many online courses come across as dry and generic, the Skill Of Fatherhood Masterclass kept me engaged and curious!

Ryan Rucker / San Francisco, CA