Owning a business while simultaneously trying to grow and lead your family team comes with unique opportunities and challenges. Few business owners really understand the impact owning a successful business can have on the establishment of their multigenerational family. At Family Teams we believe few things can reflect the Kingdom better than a unified, multigenerational family stewarding an expanding business. But one of the fastest ways to get there is by being alongside other fathers doing the exact same thing.


Grow your Business - Our first focus is always to help one another to increase the growth and health of our businesses.

Integrate your Family - We explore all the unique ways business owners can bless their family while working through experiments in integration.

Integrate your Faith - In a climate where integrating faith into business feels risky, Kingdom-minded business owners need a place to share ideas and support one another.



Mastermind Groups have a proven set of practices and framework that have been honed over the past two decades. Here are some of the tools Jeff and Jeremy have experienced in other Mastermind groups they’ve been a part of and led, and ones that will be central to Integrated.

Subject Matter Experts: The hosts regularly survey the group to discover the topics that are most valuable for the group to learn as a whole and recruit experts from their network and the group’s network to speak to those issues during the events.

Creative Problem Solving: Every member is encouraged to bring their top business or integration challenges to the group events and through a unique process we work together to give each owner ideas and insights for overcoming these challenges.

Efficient Networking: Business success is often dependent on the size and strength of our network but networking can be a difficult slog for many business owners. Being in a Mastermind often immediately doubles the strength of many owner’s networks by giving them access to many like-minded fathers with similar values and similar challenges.

Support Group: Owning a business can often be lonely. It’s tough to share everything with those working for you. We all need a group of brothers who are at our level or above to lean on during difficult seasons.

Ongoing Collaboration: The group is not only active during the two annual meetups but also collaborates in-between events. Our plan is to setup a monthly coaching call to work together to address specific areas of business growth and integration in real time. Whenever you’re struggling with major decisions or looking for big opportunities there will be ways for you to seek the group’s advice and insight.


NOTE: membership is 'rolling' which means you can enter in and sign up anytime, and your membership is good for the next 2 meetings (1 year)
We meet twice a year, usually once in small groups winter/spring in Franklin, TN and Colorado late summer.


  Next Meetups:  

Group A: March 23-25, 2025 in Franklin, TN

Group B: March 26-28, 2025 in Franklin, TN

Group C: January 26-29, 2025 Orlando, FL




Integrated is open to all business-owning fathers who are followers of Jesus, are seeking to find ways to integrate their multigenerational family team and their business. The annual cost of Integrated is either $5000 per year (made in two payments of $2500) or $450 /mo for 12 months ($5400 annually). Secure your spot by beginning payment (in 1 of 2 ways) and applying below (we will refund you if we decide you might not be a good fit for the group).


To be considered for membership into Integrated fill out the form below and make first payment as well. We will approve or deny within 48 hours, and refund you if we decide you might not be a good fit for Integrated.


OPTION 1: Two payments of $2500 ($5,000 annually). Make the first payment to secure your spot. Second payment due six months later (we will send a reminder).

OPTION 2: Setup a monthly recurring payment of $450/mo (annual cost of $5400). Once the first payment of $450/mo is made your spot is secured. We will continue to charge your card $450 per month for 12 months for a total of $5400.

$450 per month $2500 every 6 months


We will send you a longer form to give the group more information about yourself so we can all work to get to know more about one another. We will post your bio on the password protected landing page linked below so check back here to see who else has signed up. 

Integrated Bio Page

Once accepted into the group, reserve your room below for our winter or spring meetups. Shared rooms will be assigned upon getting to the venue.


2025 Mastermind in Franklin, TN and Orlando, FL

Group A Franklin, TN: Sunday, March 23, 2025 @ 6pm - Tuesday March 25, 2025 @ 12pm
Group B Franklin, TN: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 @ 6pm - Friday. March 28, 2025 @ 12pm

Group C Orlando, FL: Sunday, January 26, 2025 @ 4pm - Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 12pm
Registration OPEN!

Frequently Asked Questions

Jeff and Jeremy actually launched the current entity of Family Teams directly because of their involvement in two different Mastermind Groups. During a Mastermind group a mutual friend encouraged Jeff and Jeremy (who already had a mentoring relationship) to form a business partnership and launch Family Teams as a collaboration between our families. So Family Teams wouldn’t even exist as it does today without our involvement in Mastermind Groups.

Mastermind Groups are always a serious investment into your business and are not cheap. The one’s Jeff and I are familiar with range between 10 and 50K per year. Our goal was to bring the cost down lower than any Mastermind Group we had been a part of or even heard about while still making it high enough to craft a super valuable custom experience and attract the kind of people whose businesses are at level where this group will pay big dividends. This can be seen as a possible alternative to executive coaching (usually 30-70K per year) or a Board of Advisors (10-40K per year). It’s really important to us that each of you get a great return on you investment not just in terms of family and faith integration ideas but directly in terms of financial return for your business. Many industry specific conferences can cost more than $2K so whether you think of the group like two expensive conferences or inexpensive coaching and advisory group we think this is a cost effective way to invest in your business.

We will cover one awesome kickoff dinner on the first night back together, as well as covering all the costs of the meeting space/venue. We do not cover lodging, airfare, rental car, etc. However we have secured a large property for everyone to stay in and will have awesome subsidized rates for everyone. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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